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 Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

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Miss Kitty
7 participants
Cangel 'till the end
Cangel 'till the end

Nombre de messages : 7139
Age : 36
Localisation : In Jensen's arms
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan - 15:05

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 49755010

Après un petit crochet par Sunnydale comme observateur, la version rajeunie de Giles débarque à Los Angeles en tant que "Chasseur de démons féroces."

Après son échec auprès du Conseil, Wesley essaye d'abord de se faire passer pour un chasseur indépendant et averti. En vain...

Il ne tarde pas à remettre ses costumes d'antan et à se replonger dans ses vieux livres. Grâce à sa connaissance illimitée des forces maléfiques, il comble le vide laissé par le décès de Doyle dans l'agence "Angel Investigation". L'observateur britannique, de nature peureuse, trouve au plus profond de lui la force de se battre pour sauver sa vie, et celle de ses amis. Il essayera d'enlever l'enfant de Darla et d'Angel en pensant que ce dernier allait le tuer.

Que pensez-vous de ce personnage?

C/A 4ever

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Withdr11

It's gonna be a long while 'till you work you way out, but I know you well enough to know you will. And I'll be with you until you do ~ Cordy
I'm gonna get you back. I need you back ~ Angel
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Coeur De Maman

Nombre de messages : 495
Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeSam 10 Jan - 20:30

Je l'adore .. Un de mes personnages coup de coeur , quelle èvolution flagrante de l'osbervateur barbant et poule mouillè de buffy , on passe a un homme charismatique qui sait se battre et ne recule devant aucun danger ... il a bien changer , de plus mention spéciale a son arrivè dans la sèrie trop drole.
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Cangel 'till the end
Cangel 'till the end

Nombre de messages : 7139
Age : 36
Localisation : In Jensen's arms
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Avr - 18:15

Ah Wesley!! Que de chose à dire sur ce perso. Je ne sais pas si je préfère le wesley gaffeur et tout chou de la saison 1, le patron Wes sûr de lui de la saison 3 ou le Dark Wesley super sexy de la saison 4.

Il a eu une telle évolution. J'aurais tellement aimé qu'il revoit Buffy, Giles et Alex dans les environs de la saison 3 d'Ats. Il leur aurait donné une leçon, moi je vous le dis.

C'est un personnage plein de ressources à qui tout le monde peut s'identifier puisqu'il est passé par tellement de période. Et il était réaliste, crédible.

Sa mort m'a *trop* fait pleuré, mais on lui a bien fait hommage Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 949455

C/A 4ever

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Withdr11

It's gonna be a long while 'till you work you way out, but I know you well enough to know you will. And I'll be with you until you do ~ Cordy
I'm gonna get you back. I need you back ~ Angel
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Miss Kitty
~ Out of this World ~
~ Out of this World ~
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 60546
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeSam 25 Avr - 14:00

S'il y en a bien un qui a connu une évolution fulgurante, c'est Wesley !! J'A-DO-RE tout simplement son perso Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 949455 . Il est passé du type maladroit, froussard et peu sûr de lui à un gars plein d'assurance, un peu froid mais déterminé, et dans sa période sombre il était tellement... Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 977164 .

Le Wesley du début était plutôt drôle avec sa maladresse , mais c'est vrai que je l'ai préféré en saison 4, quand il fait cavalier seul car ça nous a permis de le découvrir dans un autre cadre que l'équipe d'Angel et surtout, ça nous a permis de voir combien il avait "mûri".
D'autant plus que j'ai adoré sa relation avec Lilah !!

Quoiqu'il en soit, il a toujours fait ce qui lui semblait juste (même s'il s'est avéré qu'il a commis pas mal d'erreurs). C'est un personnage que j'ai trouvé très touchant (notamment lors de la mort de Fred), extrêmement attachant et je vous dis pas combien j'étais triste quand il meurt à la fin de la série ! Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 87550 Cette scène avec Illyria qui prenait l'apparence de Fred une dernière fois, pour lui, était très belle !

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Bann
Merci Sophie Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 682513
Source icon : inacatastrophicmind

~ Sens Critique ~ Tumblr ~
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Need you by my side
Need you by my side

Nombre de messages : 790
Age : 35
Localisation : Vaucluse
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2014

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 10:19

Je l'aime, je l'aime, je l'aime, je l'aime, je l'aime, je l'aime.... JE L'AIME!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 474691 (Okay, je me calme xD )
Wesley est clairement mon personnage préféré ♥️ Peut-être même mon personnage préféré toutes séries confondues.
Il est Merveilleux. Héroïque. Fantastique. Courageux. Drôle. Gentil. Extraordinaire. Fidèle. Prêt à se sacrifier pour les autres. C'est l'Homme Parfait. ♥️ Je l'aime Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 474691
Il a eu une des plus belles évolutions!
Il est celui qui fait le charme de la série. La série aurait dû s'appeler "Wesley" xD Bon, "Wesley et Fred" à la rigueur Razz
Nan mais vraiment, dans cette série y'a deux personnages pour moi : Wesley et Fred ♥️ Mes deux chouchou d'AmOur à moi que j'aime ♥️
Nan mais vraiment, Wesley est tellement Merveilleux! ♥️
(Allez, j'arrête, sinon je pourrais inlassablement écrire mon amour pour Wesley et le couvrir de compliments Razz )
Mais.. Wesley est Merveilleux! C'est l'Homme Parfait! Je l'aiiiiiiiimeeeeeuh ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 474691
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Seeing you
Seeing you

Nombre de messages : 2028
Age : 38
Localisation : New Jersey
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 11:20

quelle évolution ce personnage!
j'ai adoré le suivre pour moi aussi ça été THE personnage de Ats: je me suis gentiment moquée à son arrivée puis je l'ai vite pris en affection pour finir par rire, souffris et pleurer avec lui
pour moi le meilleur moment, et ce qui a totalement fini par me faire préféré ce personnage est son exclusion du groupe qui est dure et injuste mais dont j'apprécie beaucoup le traitement sans oublié toute son histoire avec Lilah que j'ai trouvé très proche du spuffy saison 6
j'aime très souvent les personnages qui se relève et se batte pour ce en quoi il croit
à ce moment de la série je n'était plus qu'en mode WOW et AWW pour Wesley!
et je ne parlerai pas de la saison 5 qui est juste magistrale pour lui avec un final (bon c'est sûr que j'aurai préféré que Joss ne lui fasse pas son schéma habituel) grandiose et beau même si je me transforme en madeleine au visionnage

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Captur13
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Miss Kitty
~ Out of this World ~
~ Out of this World ~
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 60546
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 12:33

benesmg a écrit:
pour moi le meilleur moment, et ce qui a totalement fini par me faire préféré ce personnage est son exclusion du groupe qui est dure et injuste mais dont j'apprécie beaucoup le traitement sans oublié toute son histoire avec Lilah que j'ai trouvé très proche du spuffy saison 6

J'ai aimé Wes dès le départ, mais c'est également cette période de la série qui m'a fait réaliser son potentiel et qui a fait grandir mon affection pour le personnage.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Bann
Merci Sophie Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 682513
Source icon : inacatastrophicmind

~ Sens Critique ~ Tumblr ~
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Undeniable Shippeur
Undeniable Shippeur

Nombre de messages : 1619
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2011

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 20:12

Wesley dans Angel j'adore, autant dans Buffy il est nul autant là il est charmant et intelligent
il fait passer beaucoup d'émotion avec bébé connor puis Fred

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Emmanu10
merci Miss chaton Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 474691
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Everyone's Waiting
Everyone's Waiting

Nombre de messages : 9944
Age : 29
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 20:50

Je fais partie de ceux qui n'ont pas aimé le personnage dès le départ : je lui trouvais un côté cartoon-grotesque en saison 1 qui m'empêchait de le considérer comme un véritable être humain. C'est le personnage pour qui mes sentiments ont le plus évolué ; l'écriture du personnage dans les saisons 4 et 5 est ma-gis-trale, autant à mon sens que l'écriture du personnage de Buffy en saison 6 de BtVS. Les scénaristes explorent en profondeur la psyché du personnage, sans jamais l'idéaliser mais sans non plus tenir à le rendre adorable ni détestable : je trouve le traitement de ses "facettes sombres" plus fin et nuancé que le traitement des défauts de Willow (qui se faisait au moyen d'artifices un peu faciles comme la drogue). Peut-être mon personnage préféré, au bout du compte.

Dernière édition par Ludo le Mer 30 Déc - 21:44, édité 1 fois
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Seeing you
Seeing you

Nombre de messages : 2028
Age : 38
Localisation : New Jersey
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 21:20

on se lève tous pour: WESLEY!!! Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 956872

Ludo tu traduis très bien ce que je voulais dire autant pour le parallèle avec Buffy en saison 6 que l'analyse de Willow

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Captur13
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Need you by my side
Need you by my side

Nombre de messages : 790
Age : 35
Localisation : Vaucluse
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2014

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Déc - 12:53

benesmg a écrit:
pour moi le meilleur moment, et ce qui a totalement fini par me faire préféré ce personnage est son exclusion du groupe qui est dure et injuste mais dont j'apprécie beaucoup le traitement
Ah bah je trouve ça rare les personnes qui trouvent son exclusion dure et injuste!  Mais je te rejoins complètement.
Ce moment est juste une horreur! Mon pauvre Wesley ne pensait qu'aux autres et a eu une attitude héroïque et voilà comment il est remercié.. =(

benesmg a écrit:
on se lève tous pour: WESLEY!!! Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 956872
Je me lèèèèèèèèèèèèveeee!! Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 474691
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Seeing you
Seeing you

Nombre de messages : 2028
Age : 38
Localisation : New Jersey
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Déc - 12:59

Ephy a écrit:

Ah bah je trouve ça rare les personnes qui trouvent son exclusion dure et injuste!  Mais je te rejoins complètement.
Ce moment est juste une horreur! Mon pauvre Wesley ne pensait qu'aux autres et a eu une attitude héroïque et voilà comment il est remercié.. =(

Ce sont le très pro Angel alors...
Je comprends d'ailleurs le point de vue du personnage qui vient juste de perdre son fils et à la limite le fait qu'il veuille le tuer puisqu'il est en pleine colère et c'est un vampire ça aide pas dans ces cas là. Mais le reste du groupe je trouve qu'ils se mettent très vite du côté d'Angel alors que franchement dans la même situation je ne vois pas comment ils auraient pu agir autrement.
La seule chose qu'on pourrait lui reprocher c'est d'avoir agit seul mais en même temps c'était une décision tellement dure qu'il a certainement penser que ce serait un poids lourd à porter et il se sacrifie.

Bref tous des moutons sur ce coup là avec encore une fois Gunn devant pour énerver tout le monde.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Captur13
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Need you by my side
Need you by my side

Nombre de messages : 790
Age : 35
Localisation : Vaucluse
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2014

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Déc - 13:11

Je te rejoins totalement!
Wesley a pris une décision tellement dure. Il fallait quelqu'un qui prenne cette décision. Et il a préféré se sacrifier et n'en parler à personne pour ne pas que ses amis souffrent eux aussi et aient à prendre une telle décision.
Il était prêt à se sacrifier pour sauver Angel et Connor.. Et voilà comment il est remercié..
Après je peux comprendre Angel (même si vouloir le tuer est excessif..) (ouais faut pas toucher à mon Wesley d'AmOur x) ). Mais de là à ce que tout le monde le rejette sans tenter de le comprendre.....
Personne n'a compris malheureusement que Wesley est un Héros (oui avec un H majuscule). Qu'il tentait tout pour sauver ses amis. Qu'il était prêt à renoncer à sa vie pour ses amis. C'est bien dommage... Et après ils se disent être ses amis....
#TeamWesley ♥
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Miss Kitty
~ Out of this World ~
~ Out of this World ~
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 60546
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce   Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Mai - 22:50

Une analyse du parcours du personnage de Wes dans les 5 saisons d'ATS :

Citation :
The Path of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Funny thing about black and white: You mix it together and
you get gray. And it doesn’t matter how much white you try
and put back in, you’re never gonna get anything but gray
. –Lilah, “Habeas Corpses” (A4-8)

The last third of the final season of Angel was jam-packed with major plot happenings. Character deaths, new arrivals and, oh yes, the requisite Last Stand. Amidst all this, there was another event that you’d think might have received a little more attention: In “Shells” (A5-16), Wesley stabbed Gunn in the gut. Calmly. Without a glimmer of remorse.

And yet, nobody was really all that surprised about this, were they? I wasn’t. Momentarily shocked and saddened, yes, but not truly surprised. Taking a step back, I have to wonder why that is. Why weren’t we surprised? Shouldn’t we have been? How is it that a character can be that brutal to a former friend and comrade-in-arms without a huge outcry from fans? The wound intentionally wasn’t fatal, but that fact doesn’t explain this silence away completely.

A part of this is certainly our anger at Gunn. He made an incredibly poor judgment call in order to get his legal knowledge reinstalled, one that led to the death of the woman Wesley loved. Actions have consequences. If they didn’t . . . well, it wouldn’t be a Joss Whedon show, would it? This has always been one of the main tenets of his work. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, free resurrection or free instant law degree. Ever.

But that isn’t the whole story. A big chunk of our lack of surprise comes from having watched Wesley’s development of the years. Most of the attention might be paid to the undead on Angel, but for my money, the most fascinating character on the show is Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.

How did Wesley transform from a bumbling rookie Watcher to a composed and ruthless man? During the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the name “Wesley Wyndam-Pryce” would elicit little more than an eye-roll or a snicker. What caused such a drastic change? How much of this was in the Wesley that we originally met? I believe that the pieces were there, and that circumstances over the years just brought it to the fore.


Wesley has always leaned on a guiding principle: do what is best in the context of the Big Picture. He looks for the “greater good,” the best case for everyone who might be concerned, and acts accordingly. This is a logical goal, one that should ensure as little failure as possible. It can’t usually be faulted. Knowing this, he has often been ruthless in pursuit of that goal.

Let’s look at the earliest example of this viewpoint. The Scooby Gang was faced with a choice in the appropriately named episode, “Choices” (B3-19): save the captured Willow or destroy the Box of Gavrok, ending the threat of the Mayor’s imminent ascension. Wesley alone was willing to sacrifice one person in order to ensure the safety of the entire community. He supported what he saw as the lesser of the two evils.

If you step away from the affection that we have for Willow (because, really, who doesn’t adore Willow?) and look at the situation objectively, he was correct. Even though Buffy and her army of fellow students stopped Mayor Wilkins shortly after he became a giant demon-snake, many still died on Graduation Day, including Principal Snyder, Larry and Harmony. These deaths could have been averted if they had sacrificed Willow. And, had they not succeeded in stopping him post-ascen-sion, the death toll could have been far worse.

Another obvious example: As the newly-appointed leader of the rebels on Pylea, he knew that his guerrilla warfare strategy would be fatal to some of the fighters under his charge. As he told Gunn in “There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb” (A2-22), “You try not to get anybody killed, you wind up getting everybody killed.” He risked the fighters to save Cordelia, but also to help them win their battle, which he believed would help the fighters as a whole, as well as the rest of Pylea’s human population.

Then there was the time Wesley kept Justine prisoner in his closet, which was not a choice that resembled anything close to a “good” act. In its own strange way, it did have a just purpose: She was the key to finding Angel. Wesley used her in his “good” quest to find Angel and return the Champion to the world. By bringing Angel back from the bottom of the ocean and helping him regain his strength, Wesley also partially repaid Angel for the theft of his son, slightly easing his own self-loathing for his failure.

After breaking Faith out of prison–also not normally considered a “good” act, but one that was necessary to stop Angelus–Wesley assisted Faith in using a dangerous drug to bring Angelus down when he understood far better than Faith the enormity of the risks involved (“Orpheus,” A4-15). Wesley was willing to sacrifice Faith to stop Angelus. Of course, he himself was the one who had suggested and arranged for the removal of Angel’s soul (“Awakening,” A4-10) in an attempt to serve the greater good.

You see the problem: this “greater good” thing gets a bit tricky. Instead of being a safe rock that Wesley can cling to, serving the pursuit of achieving the greater good has led him astray as often as it has guided him well. Rather than following his heart, Wesley follows his head. This is the way he was raised, but it hasn’t always worked out for the best. Plus, as is always the danger, his interpretations of “greater good” aren’t always the same as that of his colleagues, and this was a fact that Angel knew only too well. As Eve asked Angel in “Lineage” (A5-7), “Are you worried about the next time Wesley betrays you trying to do the right thing?”


When we first met Wesley, he was Buffy’s new Watcher–a Watcher like his father before him, and probably his father before him. But he never won his father’s respect or approval; there are even references to abuse in his early life, emotional or otherwise. Wesley’s self-image was incredibly negative, and the failure to please his family was only the start of a string a failures–some mainly self-perceived, some not–that plagued him over the years. He doesn’t easily forgive himself for anything, and his self-loathing increased with each failure in his lifelong quest to Do Good.

Wesley failed as Watcher to Buffy and Faith, and more importantly, he failed Faith completely. Here is a man who we first see dropped into a near-impossible situation in “Bad Girls” (B3-14) as a rookie Watcher sent to oversee two Slayers who don’t want him there. He makes the mistake of over-asserting his authority over both Slayers. After Faith committed murder, his attempt to capture her and return her to the Council was what pushed her over the brink and into the Mayor’s camp in “Consequences” (B3-15). It wasn’t until she tortured him a year later that he realized the enormity of this first major failure (“Five By Five,” A1-18).

Wesley failed Connor. His attempt to save Connor’s life and protect his “family” was a plan he didn’t share due to extreme bad timing. Cordelia was on vacation, Fred and Gunn had their budding relationship and Angel was the perceived threat. Wesley treated with the enemy in order to ensure Connor’s safety, and he had every intention of caring for the child himself until Justine and Holtz double-crossed him. Wes-ley’s judgment calls resulted in Connor spending his childhood in a de-mon-dimension, far from those who loved him (“Sleep Tight,” A3-16). Wesley’s exclusion from what was likely his first-ever close social group compounded his self-recrimination and resulting bitterness.

Wesley failed Lilah. Their relationship began as a fulfillment of mutual needs–first physical, and then more. Despite being on opposite sides of the war, they found a commonality in each other and grew to care for one another in a strange way neither of them ever fully understood. Lilah was killed in the supposed safety of the Hyperion (“Calvary,” A4-12), and then, more importantly, he could not save her eternally damned soul (“Home,” A4-22). Some contracts are just too binding for anyone to break. Even Lilah herself was touched by Wesley’s efforts to burn her contract with Wolfram & Hart. She explained the futility of his action: “Flames wouldn’t be eternal if they actually consumed anything. But it means something that you tried.”

And, finally, the proverbial last straw: Wesley failed Fred. After years of yearning and watching her become involved with other men (first Gunn, then Knox) he’d finally found love with the girl of his dreams. Of course, in Joss Whedon’s grand tradition of No Happy Endings, she died in his arms one episode later (“A Hole in the World,” A5-15). He was helpless to save her and helpless to bring her back. Worse, he was left with a walking, talking image of her, to whom he agreed to act as guide. What reason would he have to help the being that robbed Fred of her life? He admits that he did so because Illyria looked like Fred. It was one last chance to not fail her.

With each failure, with each loss, his anger at himself grew. He might have purged some of his internal torment by apologizing or seeking forgiveness, but as both Lilah and Angel have observed, Wesley was not a man who used the word “sorry.” Instead, the worse things got for him, the more quiet and composed he became, and the less we saw of the goofy young Watcher we first knew. As time progressed, only his actions and his intensity revealed any of what was below the surface.

We’d seen this behavior in Wesley before, long before his life fell apart after Connor’s abduction. In “Billy” (A3-6), Wesley was infected with magic that brought out a primal anger in males which targeted women. Wes, unlike the other victims of Billy’s magic, was frighteningly calm and methodical as he stalked and threatened Fred. He recognized that this anger came from a well within himself, and it was his extreme guilt at what the magic had caused in him that hamstringed his efforts at a romance with Fred early on.

Since then, his anger has manifested in similar ways without magical inducement. In “Lineage” (A5-7), Wesley received a visit from a cyborg masquerading as the elder Mr. Wyndam-Pryce. When this non-father threatened Fred, Wes didn’t balk or hesitate. Calmly, and truly believing that he was killing his own father, he emptied the gun into the creature’s chest. It was as if he poured every ounce of stored-up anger and resentment into his faux father with those gun shots, but none of that emotion reached his face. Fred’s destruction caused Wesley’s anger and pain to reach a level comparable to what he experienced under Billy’s magics. The Wesley we saw in “Shells” was able to shoot an underling for poor prioritizing skills, kill the unarmed yet incredibly culpable Knox and stab Gunn while staring him straight in the eyes. And so, when he stabbed a man whom he once thought of as family, there’s a part of us that understands how he got there.

With Knox dead, non-fatal vengeance enacted on Gunn and the Fred-like demon Illyria asking for his guidance, Wes was at a crossroads. What was left for him? The good and just path became unclear, and he didn’t trust himself enough to believe that he could teach Illyria about “what’s right” (“Shells,” A5-16). The black and white categories of his Watcher days had become irrevocably gray, and his view of himself with them.

Wesley should have given himself more credit. Illyria, a former god-king who regarded humans as insects, not only grew enough as an individual to participate in the final battle but also exhibited feelings for Wesley himself. This demonstrates the kind of person Wesley was, even if he no longer believed it himself: a good man, still able to effect positive change on the world around him even in the depths of despair over losing Fred.

Wesley readily agreed to Angel’s proposal to eradicate the Circle of the Black Thorn, fully knowing the risks. He saw the impact that this plan would have in serving the greater good. Would he have been killed if the series had not been canceled? Signs point to no, but with the series drawing to a close, it was the only way he could find peace. His death was tragic and staggering, but in some strange way, it was right. This was a man with little left to live for. Until six years ago, he had focused his entire life upon serving as a Watcher, but when tested, he’d failed. Since his arrival in Los Angeles, he had formed ties only to watch them unravel. How many times over the years have they shown Wesley sitting alone in his apartment? He had few chances at happiness. By the end, Angel no longer fully trusted him and never would. He and Gunn would never have the brotherly bond they once shared. Lilah, who understood him better than anyone, was long dead. Fred had been destroyed, leaving Illyria as a pale imitation. By the final episode, the fight was all that he had left. He did not enter that last situation with a death wish, but he was simply outmatched. It is a credit to him that he kept fighting for as long as he did, both in this battle and overall.

Wesley was a good man who wanted to do what was right. We loved with him. We grieved with him. We witnessed him repeatedly continue the good fight when he could have walked away. We watched him be just and we watched him be good, if not necessarily at the same time. Wesley always strove for the light, even when he did so from a dark place.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Bann
Merci Sophie Wesley Wyndam-Pryce 682513
Source icon : inacatastrophicmind

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