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Spuffy & Cangel Forum

Pour tous les fans du couple Buffy/Spike (mais aussi Cordy/Angel), ainsi que tous les fans de BTVS et ATS, ce forum est fait pour vous.
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 Top des couples du Buffyverse - Spuffy #1 et Cangel #2

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Miss Kitty
~ Out of this World ~
~ Out of this World ~
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 60582
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

Top des couples du Buffyverse - Spuffy #1 et Cangel #2 Empty
MessageSujet: Top des couples du Buffyverse - Spuffy #1 et Cangel #2   Top des couples du Buffyverse - Spuffy #1 et Cangel #2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Mai - 21:31

Top des couples du Buffyverse par le site nylon.com :

QUEL BONHEUR de voir Spuffy ET Cangel en première et seconde places, c'est beaucoup trop rare !!!

Top des couples du Buffyverse - Spuffy #1 et Cangel #2 Captu429

Citation :
Stacey Abrams knows what’s up. What Buffy and Spike share, meeting in a dark space of doom and depression, is not aspirational, shippable, or necessarily acceptable. Both characters abuse the other — verbally, emotionally, and physically. But in the embrace of the dark side, Buffy finds herself, and finally crawls out of the grave. Spike, meanwhile, reconciling love without a soul, blows the show’s moral boundaries apart. The chemistry is smoking hot, with sex scenes that could never be aired on the WB. Call it problematic, but it’s likely we’ll be debating this one for years, and that few depictions of a heroine’s desire will ever allow for this much complexity.

Top des couples du Buffyverse - Spuffy #1 et Cangel #2 Captu430

Citation :
What Buffy and Angel had was definitive, but marked forever in the passion of adolescence. But this slow-burn, ever-simmering union was based on the growth of two adults. As Cordelia came into a place of responsibility, strength, and divine power, she found herself supported by a fellow champion. Though they never consummated their love, and it all ended in one of Joss Whedon’s traditional Oedipal freakshows, Angel and Cordelia demonstrated a romance of grace; two people seeing each other while waiting in the wings for their lives to start. “Were we in love?” Angel asks. “We were,” Cordelia responds. Angel and Cordelia never get what they want, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.
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