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 The SFX Art Challenge

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Miss Kitty
~ Out of this World ~
~ Out of this World ~
Miss Kitty

Nombre de messages : 60575
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

The SFX Art Challenge Empty
MessageSujet: The SFX Art Challenge   The SFX Art Challenge Icon_minitimeVen 19 Nov - 16:57

Le site de SFX propose des challenges artistiques aux fans, et cette fois ci (c'est le 2nd challenge qu'ils lancent apparemment), ils ont proposé le jeu suivant pour les fans du Whedonverse :


Citation :
THE SFX ART CHALLENGE #2: Joss Whedon Genderbending

Show off your creative skills to the world by giving Buffy, Angel, Mal Reynolds and co a sex change!

Last month, we challenged you lot to demonstrate your artistic creativity by sending us your zombified pictures of Doctor Who characters zombified. The results were seriously cool. So: time to for us to set you another challenge. We’re calling this one Joss Whedon Genderbending. Don’t worry Joss, it doesn’t involve any kind of surgical operation… Rather, we’d like you to recast Joss’s TV series and movies, but using actors from other Whedon productions, whilst – and here’s the important bit – using male actors instead of female ones, and vice versa.

So, for example, it could be a picture of Nathan Fillion as Drusilla (in a dress? Well, it’s entirely up to you…). Or Eliza Dushku as Spike. Or the entire cast of The Avengers gender-switched using Joss regulars (hmm, I’m picturing Summer Glau as Hulk…) Get the idea? It could be bad guys or minor characters too, if you want. Let your imagination run wild.

Your submission could be in the form of a painting, a pen and ink drawing, a cartoon, a pencil sketch, a crude PhotoShop montage… whatever you want. And you don’t have to be the world’s greatest artist – a crude daub that makes us guffaw is just as likely to make the final cut.
The closing date for entries is Thursday 9 December 2010, so you’ve got three weeks. Email your entries to ian.berriman@futurenet.com (oh, and we’d really appreciate it if you don’t post them online in the meantime – it’d spoil the surprise!). We’ll post a gallery of our favourites shortly thereafter, and tweet about them on our Twitter feed for the rest of the world to enjoy.

What are you waiting for? Get cracking!

Le mois dernier, le challenge lancé par le site concernait Dr. Who. Ici, si j'ai bien compris, il s'agit de faire un inversement des genres : par exemple, pour donner une idée, habiller Nathan Fillion avec les vêtements de Drusilla. Ou Eliza Duskhu en Spike... etc. C'est assez fun comme idée ^^

Donc si certains d'entre vous sont tentés, faites vous plaisir Razz
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