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 8 TV Episodes That Qualify As Psychological Warfare

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Miss Kitty
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Nombre de messages : 60592
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2009

8 TV Episodes That Qualify As Psychological Warfare Empty
MessageSujet: 8 TV Episodes That Qualify As Psychological Warfare   8 TV Episodes That Qualify As Psychological Warfare Icon_minitimeLun 22 Avr - 19:37

8 TV Episodes That Qualify As Psychological Warfare


"Killed by death" (saison 2) figure dans la liste.

Citation :
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Killed by Death

Some would say that Hush is the best Buffy contender for this list. After all, a monster coming after you when you are unable to scream? That’s pretty awful. But this list isn’t about articulating your fears and miseries. It’s about introducing you to more, and this episode did exactly that. It’s a little-known episode in the second season in which Buffy gets sick with the flu and is sent to the hospital. At her sickest, she sees a monster moving through the halls, and it’s identified by other sick children as death itself. When Buffy gets better, she can’t see the monster anymore, but knows that it’s still there. It ends up being Der Kindestod, a monster that stalks hospitals and sucks the life out of children.

8 TV Episodes That Qualify As Psychological Warfare Ku-xlarge

Only the sick can see it, so it hunts them, often in front of people who are healthy, and so don’t know that there is a monster in the room. Just to drive the horror home, Buffy remembers watching her cousin die exactly that way, attacked and killed by a monster that only the cousin could see or feel, while everyone around her watched it kill her. So yeah, are you sick? You could go to the hospital, but then you’d only be entering the hunting grounds of a monster that will kill you in public. I truly don’t understand how anyone could watch this and enter a hospital any other way than being dragged by the ankles.
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